We have incorporated a collection of Web Marketing Instruments in your Site Control Panel that can help you quite easily promote your web sites on the web. Our sitemap generation tool will help you to obtain a precise sitemap of your website. On top of that, you can easily submit that sitemap to search engines to list your site. The RSS News instrument will help you to create new content on your index page so you could get much better possibilities to rise higher in search results. Furthermore, we’ve provided a GeoIP re–direction instrument that will enable you to approach your customers more accurately in line with their geographic area.

A Sitemap Generator

Generate a sitemap with all your webpages a click of the mouse

The simplest method of getting your recently launched web site indexed by the search engines is to post a sitemap. The sitemap offers all the pages within your site and by publishing it to a particular search engine, you tell it you’d like to have those pages to be scanned as fast as possible. Sitemaps are often created by third–party applications. However, here, it is not necessary to move away from your Site Control Panel. 9wired’s inhouse built Sitemap Generator is bundled into the Advanced Tools part and is going to generate a sitemap for you with a mouse click.

Everything you should do is pick the maximum number of webpages you want to be scanned, the range of the crawled URLs as well as the extension of the sitemap data file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Simple location–driven re–directions

9wired offers a very simple application, which will enable you to filter the customers of your site based upon their country. For example, using the GeoIP re–direction application, you can easily direct all of the traffic coming from Spain to the Spanish variant of your site in case you have such. This enables you to target your users much more precisely and supply them with the online stay they expect to have.

No particular abilities or tech expertise are required to use the GeoIP re–direction instrument, and you no longer need to use .htaccess files to complete the task.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the most recent headlines on your web site

What is actually RSS? RSS is a technology for publishing and accumulating website content. It’s being frequently used by media web sites, personal blogging sites, newscasts, and so forth. The posted information is quickly collected by an RSS reader and afterwards made available to the consumer. Utilizing RSS, end users will be able to obtain announcements from different sites and review them in a single location.

Using the RSS News Syndication tool, you can easily add information feeds from some of the world’s most famous publication portals and demonstrate them on your own web site.

RSS News