Remember a web site is a work in progress and should never be considered completed. In fact if you say, I'm done with this site, you can bet on one thing, that your site will shortly be done as far as the search engines go.
You're much better off taking your time and doing bits as you can. Don't work your tail off thinking you need to finish. Search engines don't like when tons of pages are uploaded all at once and then no new information is ever added. It's much better to keep your content fresh by adding pages here and there, look at as natural updating.
Publish one page a day, one page a week or even a single page each month, that will keep the search engines coming back to your site looking for new content. Of course the spider bots can be told to come to your site every so often, not all sitebuilders have that meta capability. For instance, this site builder does not have that, so to keep google and others coming back I must publish new content on a regular basis and keep this site updated. I personally prefer this method as it urges me to stay fresh and on top of things. Otherwise, I get lazy and stop writing.
Don't Get Discouraged
Maybe you don't have a lot of spare time, that's OK, keep plugging along, eventually you'll reach your goal. This site has been in the works for so long I don't even want to think about it. Financial problems, then medical problems but I'm finally getting it published. Yay!
Have Fun!
If you love to write as I do, have fun with it. To me writing is relaxing and I feel best when I'm doing it.