MySQL Database Storage in Shared Web Hosting
If you purchase a Linux shared web hosting service from our company, we shall never limit the expansion of any MySQL-driven Internet site that you host in the account due to the fact that our plans come with unlimited database space for storage. Even though large databases may affect the functionality of a website regardless of the type of Internet hosting, we do not have a limit both for the total space all databases may take and for the overall size of 1 database. You can easily run an Internet store with as many products as you wish or a forum without worrying you will have to remove old posts or limit the number of registered users which you can have. Our Hepsia web hosting Control Panel will also allow you to import or export databases in your account whatever their size. If you encounter any issues with the latter, our tech support team is available 24/7 to help you.
MySQL Database Storage in Semi-dedicated Hosting
You will not have any problems with the size of your MySQL databases if you have a semi-dedicated server from our company due to the fact that different from many other web hosting service providers, we don't run everything on one server. Instead, we employ a cloud platform, so an entire cluster of servers is dedicated to handling the databases of our clients. Anytime extra power or space is needed, we can simply attach more machines or hard drives to the cluster, so the storage space is literally infinite. With our services, you can grow your websites or popularize them as much as you would like without having to worry that your MySQL databases shall expand too much. Regardless of the size of an individual database, you shall be able to export or import it without difficulty using your hosting CP.