A ticketing system is the most widespread communication channel that hosting companies offer to their customers. It’s most often part of the billing account and is the very best way to handle an issue that takes a certain amount of time to examine or that has to be forwarded to a server administrator. In this way, all responses supplied by either side will be stored in one location in the event that somebody else wants to work on the given problem and the information already exchanged in the ticket will be accessible to all parties. The negative aspect of using a ticketing system with most web hosting platforms is that it is not integrated into the hosting Control Panel, so you will need to sign in and out of no less than two accounts to complete a specific procedure or to touch base with the hosting company’s technical support team. If you wish to manage a number of domains and each one of them is hosted in a different account, you’ll need to use even more accounts at the same time. Plus, it could take considerable time for the provider to reply to your tickets.

Integrated Ticketing System in Shared Web Hosting

In stark contrast with what you may find with a lot of other web hosting providers, the support ticket system that we’re using with our Linux shared web hosting services is an integral part of the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all hosting accounts. You will not have to memorize different log-on names and passwords, as you’ll be able to manage both your tickets and the web hosting account itself in one place. So, in case you’ve got a question or experience a problem, you can contact our technical support staff representatives instantly. Our system includes an intelligent search functionality. This suggests that even if you’ve submitted a huge number of tickets over the years, you will be able to track down the one that you want without hassle. Besides, you can see knowledge base instructions for dealing with common problems.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is included with all our Linux semi-dedicated services, was built with one objective in mind – that you should be able to manage everything associated with your account in one single location and the trouble tickets are not an exception. Our ticketing system is built into the Hepsia Control Panel, so, in case you’ve got an inquiry or face an issue, you can contact our customer service team members instantaneously without the need to sign in to another interface. You can browse through your web files or check a variety of account settings whilst submitting a new ticket or reading the response to an old one. In case you’ve got a lot of tickets and you want to track down a given one, you can take advantage of the intelligent search option, which is available in the Help section. We guarantee that you’ll receive a response in less than one hour regardless of the essence of your enquiry or problem.