InnoDB is a MySQL storage engine, which has been gaining in popularity in recent years, because it provides a better overall performance and a faster database crash recovery compared to the default engine that is used by the MySQL database management system – MyISAM. InnoDB is endorsed by plenty of devs that run highly scalable software applications, as it works much more effectively with large volumes of data, while it keeps the server processing load low. Also, it it locks only one row in the database if any information should be updated, while lots of other engines lock the entire database table and thus need much more time to accomplish multiple consecutive tasks. Last, but not least, InnoDB complies with a set of "all-or-nothing" rules – in case the modification of the entire data cannot be completed successfully for any reason, the operation is rolled back to prevent scrambling or losing data. Magento and the newest Joomla releases are two examples of famous script-based software platforms which have switched over to InnoDB.

InnoDB in Shared Web Hosting

While InnoDB is either not offered or it is a paid upgrade with other hosting providers, it is included in the standard set of features that we’re offering with our shared web hosting plans. In case you would like to make use of an open-source script-based web app that needs InnoDB specifically, in order to be installed and to work correctly, you will not face any problems as the InnoDB database storage engine is available on our custom cloud website hosting platform. No matter if you create a brand-new database and install an app manually or make use of our single-click app installer software tool, InnoDB will be selected automatically by our system as the default engine if the specific application requires it rather than MyISAM. In addition to the remarkable crash recovery that InnoDB offers, we also keep daily database backups, so we can swiftly restore any MySQL database in your shared account.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Hosting

If you set up a new MySQL database from the Control Panel provided with all our semi-dedicated server packages and you start installing a PHP-driven web app either manually or using our single-click application installer tool, the storage engine for the database will be set automatically on the basis of the particular app’s prerequisites. Since InnoDB is present on the cloud website hosting platform where your new semi-dedicated account will be created, it will be set as the default engine for each app that needs it without any manual intervention required on your end at any point. To avoid any chance of losing information if you update an app or if you erase a database accidentally, we will make a backup of all your MySQL databases every day, so if anything happens, we can restore your data.

InnoDB in VPS Web Hosting

All Linux VPS web hosting that are ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel come with InnoDB already activated, so you will be able to take advantage of any script-based app that needs the database engine without installing anything manually. You can select Hepsia on the VPS order form and your new server will be set up within sixty minutes, so you can sign in and begin building your sites straight away. When you set up a brand-new database and start the app activation process, our system will set the engine for this database automatically. Thus, you can run various applications simultaneously without modifying anything on the Virtual Private Server. You can create a WordPress-based blog that makes use of the default MySQL engine – MyISAM, and a Magento-powered web store that makes use of InnoDB, for example.

InnoDB in Dedicated Servers Hosting

When you get a new dedicated server, you will be able to select one of the three hosting Control Panels that we’re offering – cPanel, DirectAdmin and Hepsia. Each dedicated server ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel comes with InnoDB pre-installed, so you won’t need to enable this MySQL database engine manually so as to be able to run PHP script-powered software applications that require it. InnoDB is used for scalable apps and since a dedicated server will provide you with all the resources that you require to run large-size sites, it is quite possible that you will resort to InnoDB. You will be able to use other engines too, so in case a specific app requires MyISAM instead of InnoDB, you will not run into any complication while using it. The engine that will be used will be recognized automatically when the app installation commences, so you will not need to change any setting manually at any point.